切(turn-off), 入(turn-on), 一時停止(temporary halt) |
アパートに来た時、服を洗う事はあまり考えていませんでした。When I first came to Japan, I didn't even think about cleaning my clothes.
After I came to Japan, I went to a store and I bought food and sops.
しかし、服を洗おうとした時、洗濯機にいろいろ分からない漢字が書いてありました。However, Wen I went to wash my clothes, on the washer, there were a lot of Kanjis that I didn't understand.
ルームメートたちが出かけていったので、こまりました。As my roommates were out, I was in a fix.
水位(water level),行程(process),注水(pouring water),脱水(spin-drying) |
でも、先生にイメールを送って、やくしてもらいました。However, I sent an email to my teacher and she translated it for me.
洗濯のし方(かた)が 分かるようになりました。I was able to understand how to clean my laundry.
それから、ルームメートたちが かえった時、「どうやって洗濯しますか?」と聞きました。After that, when my roommates came home, I asked them how they did their luandry.
ルームメートたちは もう 長いあいだ日本に住んでいるのに、洗濯のし方(かた)が分かりませんでした。Even though they had been in Japan for a long time, they did not know how to do their laundry.

きっと、男の人でしたから。。Probably because they were guys.
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