Wednesday, December 19, 2018

わたし と ピアノ --- シアラ









 When I was a child from 11 years old to 19 years old, I took a piano lesson every Saturday. I like to play the piano, but I did not like to practice. I do not like to practice regularly.

 When I was a child I was good at it, but after five years I did not play the piano, I started playing again. I came to know that it was really difficult.

 I feel frustrated five years after I do not play the piano.  My heart and my hands feel slowly, and they are not lined up quickly as before. I feel my hands are particularly weak.

  I want to play the piano again because of my older sister. She is playing the guitar when she was a child, but until recently she has not keenly considered it. Two years ago, she began a lot of exercises and was making music on social media.

 This year she was able to play with other groups that need guitarists. She decided to play the guitar so she made many opportunities.

 She met a lot of new people and made many connections to it. She is also interested in photography, making new connections, taking pictures at events meeting many new people.

 Since I also want to think piano enthusiastically, I can use it in the near future, life becomes interesting, I can meet new people and learn a lot of skills.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

N2 やっと合格できた!I finally passed N2! --- ジーナ

N2 やっと合格できた!





I finally passed N2!!

I have been studying Japanese for about 7 years. When I first started studying Japanese, I didn’t understand the difficulty. Slowly, I studied at my own pace, and improved. However, my efforts were divided with other interests and studies, and I was not able to really improve much.

Then, I took the N2 the year before, but I was not able to pass. I was really disappointed. I thought that Japanese was too difficult, and that I would never get to be advanced, so I thought it might just be better to quit. My husband however always encouraged me, and I started studying again.

That time, I also focused much more attention on my Japanese studies, and I seriously studied. Then this past year I took it again and was able to pass. It still feels like the beginning though, and I still have so much to learn.

 The most useful textbooks I used were the Somatome Series. When comparing them to other books, their instructions and explanations were simple. Kanzen Master is a good textbook but it is very difficult. By the time you understand the lesson, you’ve spent a lot of time, and it can make it difficult to get motivated to study.

Also, I think that one should practice the listening section a lot before taking the exam. When you compare it to other sections, you can improve your listening skills quicker, and if you are taking practice exams, and getting a 50%, you could pass the exam by just doing well on the listening section.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

楢葉(ならは)の文化祭(ぶんかさい)Naraha Jr. high's Culture Festival --- デイブ

楢葉(ならは)の文化祭 11月8日

 文化祭を見るのは 初めてです。アメリカでは そんな行事は ありません。大抵(たいてい)、1年に3、4回、踊りのイベントが開かれます。アメリカの踊りと日本の文化祭は まったく ちがいます。

 全学年が 手作りの作品(さくひん)を 作ります。楢葉中には 生徒が 少ししか いないし、それに 小さい町です。それで楢葉中の文化祭は 楢葉公民館で開かれました。

 それから 全学年は楢葉町のためにどんなことをしたか 見せてくれました。また、色々な生徒は発表会を行いました。とても面白いと思いました。

 また、ソーラン節のコンテストが ありました。チーム2の勝ちでしたが、みんな良く踊りました。

 最後は 先生の特別イベントでした。私たちは 騎士団の「One Night Cornival」を踊りました。踊るのが 好きじゃありませんが、本当に楽しかったです。もう 来年を楽しみにしています。


Naraha jr. high's culture festival was held about two weeks ago.

It was my first time to see a culture festival. In America we don't have that kind of thing. Normally, annual dances are held 3 or 4 times a year. However, American dances and Japan's culture festivals are completely different.

Every grade makes something with their own hands. Naraha only has a few students, in addition to being a small school. So, Naraha jr. high's culture festival was held at the community center.

After that each grade showed how they have helped Naraha. Second, various students gave presentations. I thought they were very interesting.

Third, there was a Souran Bushi dance competition. Team 2 won, but everyone danced well.

Last was the teachers special event. We danced to Kishidan's 「One Night Carnival.」I don't really like dancing, but it was really fun. I'm already looking forward to next year.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

私の町(まち) My Hometown --- ジータ

  私は エゲルの しゅっしんです。エゲルは とても きれいで、なつは あついです。たくさん、おんせん や ゆうめいな像(ぞう)や すごいレストランが あります。

 2か月まえ、しろを見たり、すてきな ふくを 買ったりしました。それから、帰っていません。もうすぐ、帰るつもりです。

 そこ(その町)は ちょっと、変(か)わって きている いると 思います。たくさん けんせつ工事(こうじ)を していますから。

I came from Eger. Eger is very beautiful and hot in summer.
There are lots of hot springs, famous statues and wonderful restaurants.
Two month ago, I went there to see a castle and buy nice clothes. I have not been there since then. I am going to be back soon.
I think the town has been a little changing, because there are many construction works.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

久石譲に 会ったんだよ ーーー デイブ 

先日(せんじつ)、私は久石譲(ひさいしじょう)に 会いました。「譲(じょう)」は書(か)くのがむずかしい。だから、これから「ジョジョ」を使(つか)っていくつもりです。

 ジョジョは 有名な(ゆうめいな) 作曲家(さっきょくか)です。ジブリの映画(えいが) のために 彼(かれ)の曲(きょく)が 使(つか)われました。例えば(たとえば)、「となりのトトロ」とか、「千と千尋の神隠し(せん と ちひろ の かみかくし)」とか、「もののけ姫(ひめ)」です。

 米国(べいこく)では ジブリの映画(えいが)は とっても人気(にんき)があります。そして、人々は よくジブリの 名曲(めいきょく)を ききます。ジョジョは幻想的な(げんそうてきな)曲(きょく)を 作(つく)ります。大抵(たいてい)、ジブリの映画(えいが)は 作り話(つくりばなし)だから、このテーマに よく合って(あって)います。

 私は 郡山公民館(こおりやまこうみんかん)で ジョジョに会いました。本当に(ほんとうに) やさしい人だと思(おも)います。私たちは楢葉中学校(ならはちゅうがっこう)の生徒(せいと)と いっしょに曲(きょく)を 作りました。

 子どものとき、よくジブリの映画を 見ました。ジブリの映画は 見れば見るほど 好き(すき)になりました。ジブリの曲も 聞けば聞くほど 好きになりました。ジョジョの曲は ゲームにも使(つか)われています。

じつは、最近(さいきん)、彼は ゲームの曲を作りました。「二ノ国(にのくに)」のために曲を作ったんです。もうすぐ発売(はつばい)のゲーム「二ノ国Ⅱ」も曲を作りました。楽しみ(たのしみ)にしています。

I happened to meet Joe Hisaishi. --- Dave

The other day I met Joe Hisaishi. "譲" is difficult to write. So, I am going to use "Jojo" from now on.

JoJo is a famous composer. His songs were used for the movie of Studio Ghibli. For example, it is "My Neighbor Totoro", "Spirited Away" or "Princess Mononoke".

In the United States, Ghibli 's movies are very popular. And people often listen to Ghibli 's masterpieces. JoJo writes fantastic music. Mostly, this theme fits Ghibli 's movie because it is a fictional story.

I met Jojo at the Koriyama public hall. I think that he is a really friendly person. We composed music with students of Naraha Junior High School.

When I was a child, I often watched Ghibli's movie. The more I watched Ghibli's movie, the more I liked it. The more I listened to Ghibli songs, the more I liked it.

JoJo's music is also used for games. Actually, he recently has created music for the game. He composed music for "Ninokuni". The game "NinokuniⅡ" will be released soon. I am looking forward to it.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

作文 (さくぶん、Essay) ---- デイブ

富士山と しばざくら

初めに、アメリカと日本の季節は たしかに ちがいますから、私は二つ 好きな季節が あります。

アメリカでは 夏が私のお気に入りの 季節です。日本では 春(はる)が好きです。いくつか理由(りゆう)が あります。日本では、春が一番好きです。でも、じつは、ほかの季節は まだ見たことがありません。

しかし、そのいっぽう、本当に春が好きで、これまで 春のほうが夏より好きでした。春の時、色々なことが できます。例えば、ともだちと 花見に行けます。天気もちょうどいいです。特に 日本では 春の時、とてもきれいです。今年は ともだちと 花見に行って、桜を見ました。

アメリカでは 夏が 気に入っています。アメリカの夏は あついですが、むしあつくないです。特に シアトルは 天気が ちょうど良いです。夏の時、シアトルでは 美しい(うつくしい)自然(しぜん)が 見られます。その自然(しぜん)の美しさで 有名(ゆうめい)な町です。


● My Favorite Season
In the beginning, the seasons of America and Japan are definitely different, therefore, I have two favorite seasons. Summer is my favorite season in America. I like spring in Japan. There are several reasons.
Spring is my favorite in Japan. But, in fact, I have not experienced other seasons yet. However, on the other hand, I really like spring and I like spring better than summer so far.
I can do various activities in the spring. For example, I can go on a flower-viewing excursion with my friends. The weather is just fine. Especially in Japan, it is very beautiful in spring. I went to see the cherry blossoms with my friends this year.
I like summer in America. Summer in America is hot, but it is not humid. Especially in Seattle, the weather is just comfortable. In summer, beautiful nature can be seen in Seattle. It is famous for its natural beauty.


        ・チーズ(なんでもいいけど、私のおすすめチーズはチューダーかペッ             パージャック)
        ・卵 一つ


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

スピーチ (A Speech to the Teachers of Naraha Junior High School) --- デイブ


言うまでも ありませんが、まだ日本語を 習っています。すみません。

日本に来てから、いつも 緊張しました。じつは、まだ緊張して います。運転するとか、食品を買うとか、髪を切るとか、私にとって、これらのことが 難しいです。

でも、日本が 好きです。楢葉が 好きです。楢葉小学生と中学生が 大好きです。みなさんは本当に やさしいと思います。

私の日本語は まだ下手ですが、あなたたちは 私と日本語で 話してくれます。それは、うれしくなります。りっぱな先生に なりたいです。頑張ります。

最後に、毎日、かまたかずき君が 私に言ってくれるように、私は あなたに 言います。"Sensei, I love you!"

Good evening everyone! As we all know, I am still learning Japanese, please excuse me. 

From my arrival in Japan, I was always nervous. Actually, I am still nervous. Driving, grocery shopping, getting a haircut, all of these things are difficult for me. 

But, I like Japan. I like Naraha. And I love the Jr. high and elementary students. I think everyone here is a nice person.
My Japanese is still poor, but everyone tries to speak Japanese with me. That makes me happy. Thank you. I want to become an awesome teacher! I will do my best.

In conclusion,  as Kazuki Kamata-kun says to me everyday, I will say to you. "Sensei, I love you!"