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-Yume- by Jael |
普通に、毎晩ベッドに入ってそのままで寝て、後7時間ぐらいが過ぎると、次の朝に見た夢はすぐ忘れてしまって普通の生活をする。でも、実はその7時間は無駄ではなく、体が休息できるし、二つ目の人生も経験できそう。In general, they go to bed and sleep every night, and every morning after 7 hours pass, they continue with their normal life forgetting the dreams they saw the night before, however, the 7-hour period is not actually useless but meaningful for relaxation and they seem to be able to experience their second life.
私は子供のころから見た夢の面白さに引かれて、夢の中で見たことを書き記し始めた。I was fascinated by the dreams I saw during my childhood, and I started writing down what I saw in my dream.
今でも、28歳で、夢日記を続けていて、毎朝見た夢の内容をこの特別な日記に書く。I have kept writing a diary of dreams even now at my age of 28, and I record the content of the dreams I saw every morning.
夢のスケッチも描いていると不思議なイメージが出てくる。When I make a sketch of the dream, mysterious images come out.
アートギャラリで私の先生の展覧会が開かれた。An exhibition by my art teather was held at an art gallery.
先生の作品を一つひとつ見て、理解できた。I could understand all of my teacher's works after I saw it one by one.
そこに あった作品は抽象的な絵画とか、現代彫像とか、先生と作品についておたがいに話しした。There were works such as abstract paintings and modern statues there, and the teacher and I talked about all of these together.
そして私の一番好きな作品は黒い蝶々の機械だった。And then, my most favorite work was "Butterfly Machine".

そして、蝶々の翼が動いたら、機械も動く。And, as the butterfly flutters, the machine starts working.
この不思議な機械は特別な使い道があった。There was a specific use for this mysterious machine.
それは世界のバランスを守ることだった。It was to keep balance to the universe.
ある心理学者によると、夢は人にとって特別な象徴でメッセージを持っている。According to a psychologist, a dream is a symbol with a special message for people.
あなたの夢の中でどんなメセージが理解できるのかな? What kind of messages can you get in your dreams?
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