例えば、各アパートの共用空間には青い箱があります。For example, various apartment blocks(Note: in Singapore we actually call these Housing Development Board flats, i.e. HDB flats. They are public housing and not private housing, hence they are affordable to the majority in Singapore. It is Singapore government's policy to ensure public housing remains affordable to everyone) have common spaces, where there is a blue bin.

この青い箱は再生利用できる物(プラスチック、金属、紙製など)を入れます。There is a blue bin that everyone can throw recyclable items such as plastic, metal and paper.
他の物は全部一般の共用箱に捨てます。We throw other types of general waste into the common garbage bins.
毎朝、ゴミ収集車は各アパートの共用箱と青い箱を別々に集めます。Every morning, the garbage truck will collect the respective rubbish from both the blue recycled bin and the common refuse bin.

その場所は再生利用できる物をリサイクルの会社に売りますが、他の燃える物はすべて火で燃やします。As Senoko incineration plant, they will sell recyclable items to recycling companies and burn the rest of the general waste.
シンガポールはいついつは「燃えるゴミの日」、また、いついつは「燃えないゴミの日」だという決まりがありません。Singapore do not have the culture of collecting certain types of garbage on certain days.
同様に、日本のそんなに細かいゴミ分別文化もありません。Similarly, we do not have the culture of detailed classification/segregation of garbage.