ふたごなので、同じ思いがたくさんあります。Because we are twins,
we have many similar thoughts.
If we meet new people, me and my twin
brother prank them.
一番おもしろいいたずらは「いしんでんしん」です。The most interesting prank is called telepathy.
In this case we tell our
friends that we can perform telepathy.
Then, for example, our friend asks us suspiciously to show them.
Then, for example, our friend asks us suspiciously to show them.
それで、私は友だちの耳に ちいさいこえで言葉を言って、遠くから、弟は同じ言葉で答えます。 Then while I whisper into my friends
ear, from far away, my brother replies the same word.
友だちは とてもびっくりします。 My friend becomes
very surprised.
でも、ただのいたずらです。But it's a prank.
We memorized a list of words, so it's really funny.
We memorized a list of words, so it's really funny.
tacit understanding
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