Saturday, May 2, 2015

わたしの住みたいうち My Dream House ---- ファンニー


私(わたし)の住(す)みたい うちは 地中海と東南アジアのミックススタイルです。
 My dream house is a fusion of the Mediterranean and South East Asian style.

広(ひろ)いうちに 住みたいです。I want to live in a large house.

リビングルームの中に 大きくて 快適(かいてき)なソファが 置(お)いて あります。 There is a big and comfortable sofa in the living room.

フロアの上(うえ)に インドのカーペットが 敷(し)いて あります。An Indian carpet is laid on the floor.

天井(てんじょう)に アンティークなファンが 吊(つ)るして あります。An antique fan is hung from the ceiling.

壁(かべ)に 大きい本棚(ほんだな)が 置(お)いて あります。There is a bookshelf against the wall, where various kinds of my favorite books are arranged.

本棚に 好(す)きな本(ほん)が いろいろ並(なら)べてあります。 壁(かべ)は 美(うつく)しい絵画(かいが)や家族(かぞく)の写真(しゃしん)が 貼(は)ってあります。There are a beautiful painting and my family's pictures on the wall.

ダイニングルームに 大きい木製(もくせい)のテーブルが 置(お)いて あって、家族全員(かぞく ぜんいん)が 一緒(いっしょ)に 食(た)べることが できます。There is a big wooden table in the dining room so that all member of my family can eat meals together.

また、飾(かざ)り棚(だな)に 外国(がいこく)で買(か)った お土産(みやげ)が 並(なら)べてあります。There are souvenirs I bought in foreign countries arranged on the display shelf.

最後(さいご)に リラックスできるエリアが 欲(ほ)しいです。Lastly, I want my own space to be able to relax.

Monday, March 30, 2015

シカゴ旅行 A Trip to Chicago ---- ジナ

A Night Scene in Chicago
春休みに友達とシカゴまで運転(うんてん)しました。During spring break me and my friend drove to Chicago. セントルイスに住んでいて、シカゴまで5時間しかかりませんでした。We live in St. Louis so it only took five hours. 運転している間、ずっと話していました。We talked the entire ride.

それで、シカゴに着いて、車を駐車(ちゅうしゃ)した後、ホテルにチェクインしました。After we came to Chicago, we parked the car and checked into the hotel. とてもすてきなホテルでした。It was a very wonderful hotel. そのホテルはミシガンマヨルの近くにあって、私たちは あちこち歩きました。The hotel was near Michigan Ave, so we walked everywhere.

Shedd Aquarium
シカゴはとてもおもしろい町です。 Chicago is a very interesting city.  道ごとに色々なレストランや喫茶店(きっさてん)や店などが あります。There were a lot of interesting restaurants, cafes and stores. 私と友達は食べる事がとても好きなので 使ったお金の半分が食べ物のために 使いました。My friend and I like eating a lot, so half of the money we spent was on food. シカゴピザや いろな甘い物を食べました。We ate pizza and a lot of sweets.

それで、観光して、いろな場所に行きました。Also, we did a lot of sightseeing and
saw a lot of places. 一番好きな場所はシェッド 水族館でした。My favorite place was the Shedd Aquarium.とてもきれいな魚がいました。 There were very beautiful fish.
Chicago Pizza
それで、世界中の魚がいました。There were fish from all around the world. 建物の内装(ないそう)も とてもきれいでした。The building was also very pretty.  天井にきれいな彫刻(ちょうこく)が ありました。There were beautiful carvings in the ceiling.

二日後、セントルイスへ 帰りました。After two days we returned to St. Louis. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

初めての高野山旅行 My first travel experience at Koyasan ーー ジャスミン

 今年は京都と大阪に行きました。旅行前に、先生は私の旅行日程を見て高野山へ行くということを知りました。 高野山は京都からちょっと遠くて、先生のうちから近いので、先生は「うちで泊まってもいいよ」と言ってくれた時、とてもうれしかったです。そして、私たちは一緒に高野山へ行って精進料理を食べることにしました。

 I went to Kyoto and Osaka this year. Before the trip, my teacher learnt from my itinerary that I was going to visit Koyasan. Because Koyasan is very far, therefore I was very happy when my teacher invited me to stay at her house for two nights, visit Koyasan and eat Buddhist meal.

Shojin ryori

On the second night in Osaka, I went to meet my teacher via Nankai Railway. It was very interesting to see Japanese bathtub for the first time. The next day, we went to Koyasan together. In the train, I saw breathtaking autumn foliage. As the cable car slowly ascend from Gokurakubashi station to Koyasan was a very good opportunity to take good pictures. Although we left earlier than arranged time, it was already 12noon when we reached Koyasan. Therefore, we first went to eat lunch. The Buddhist meal do not use any meat at all. Because all ingredients are made from vegetables and tofu, miso and other sauce became very important.

 次に、金剛峯寺を参拝しました。日本最大の「ぜんスタイル」の石庭はここにありました。素朴で 静かな雰囲気が「ぜんスタイル」の石庭の特徴でした。ゆっくり見たり、歩いたり、静かな雰囲気にひたっていました。2000人分の食事を準備することができる大きな台所も金剛峯寺の見所(みどころ)でした。
Zen style rock garden

 Next, we went to visit Kongōbu-ji, featuring Japan’s largest Zen style rock garden. Simple and tranquil atmosphere is Zen style rock garden’s characteristic. One could leisurely see, walk and immerse in the tranquil atmosphere. The big kitchen that could prepare meals for up to 2000 people was also another highlight.


 After this, we went to World Heritage site Garan, where many national treasures such as Kondo, 根本大塔(Konpondaito) and fudonin are lined up and important Shingo rituals are performed here. My favourite building was the eye-catching scarlet red pagoda. At this time, I was a little worried about the time. During autumn, daytime is shorter than nighttime, therefore I would like to quickly go to the place that I most wanted to visit. Luckily, I had the sightseeing bus discount pass and was able to reach Okunoin quickly.

Ichi no hashi

 What appeared before my eyes were many tombs. As a foreigner, it was very fascinating that Japanese regard cemeteries as an attraction place. Furthermore, there were also company tombs. Compared to my country’s tradition, we only visit during Seventh Month Festival/Qing Ming Festival. Obviously, we do not even hear of company’s tombs. Therefore, this refreshing scene was very interesting to me.


Graveyard of a warlord, Nobunaga Oda
After crossing Ichinohashi(一の橋) or known as the entrance to the world of deceased, one could immediately feel and immersed in a very strong tranquil atmosphere. In the midst of soft sun rays, I had a very strong feeling that this place seemed not to be a world for the living. Regretfully, photography is forbidden in Gobyo (Kobo Daishi's mausoleum). However, the strong impression that Gobyo gave me is unforgettable.